Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 für 30 Euro

Auf habe ich Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 für 30 Euro gefunden, Ihr kauft euch nur den CD-Key und ladet dann das Spiel herunter. Am 10.11.2009 steht es dort zum download bereit.
[ad#posting] Information:
Express Delivery:  Game with this symbol means that the game code is on stock and is delivered to you instantly after your payment (i.e. PayPal).

Original Retail CD Key: Please note that the publisher of the game might not support direct digital download of the game from its website / servers. The CD-Key provided by G2PLAY comes from original package of the game and you will be the first owner of this CD-Key. If we will be able to get a direct download links to this game we will publish it here on the game page.

No Steam: The key cannot be activated via Steam but only through the game integrated multiplayer.

You need to activate the key from the game itself. All keys are checked through pbban / ESL databases.

Release Date: November 10th 2009. Please note that the game will be very demanded worldwide. As such the supply by ALL retailers will be quite limited. At G2PLAY we will server available keys on first comes first serves basis. The sooner you reserve your Pre-Order from us the sooner you will be able to get your key. We are also going to stop the Pre-Order at certain level of purchases to avoid mass disappointment due to the very possible shortage in supplies.

This CD Key is for the PC version of the game.

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2 Kommentare

  1. Tim

    sehr tolles spiel macht sehr viel spaß mit freunden

  2. Key

    Great price. I like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 .


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